by Irene García:

This mini-project could be devoted to students of third year of CSE (Compulsory Secondary Education). The main objective of this research task is to identify and bear in mind all the negative effects of consuming a lot of sugar, and the dangerous diseases it could cause.


1.     Look for the amount of sugar containing in different types of food by looking at their nutritional labels.

2.     Select the products with the highest amount of sugar, then bring that amount of sugar in small zip bags.

3.     Find out the strangest products containing sugar.

4.     Research illnesses related to high-level sugar in the blood and how they affect our health.

5.     Think and write pieces of advice to avoid illnesses related to sugar, and to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

After finishing writing their pieces of advice, they will watch this video from youtube, in which diabetes is explained. 

Finally, they will have to create a poster including the pieces of advice they previously wrote as well as harmful effect of a high consumption of sugar for our health to raise awareness. They will have to present their poster to their classmates.


1.     Catchy title or slogan

2.     Visual and neat

3.     Well- organized  

      Easy to follow 


by Raquel de la Pisa:

This webpage allows students to watch a video for each element in the periodic table. I have practice it in a real class with my second course of ESO and it has been quite rewarding for them. 

Laura Mª Mateo shares this activity on hair mass:

This year, because of the pandemic, we are not allowed to use the lab, so we have to make what we can in the same classroom.

In order to prove that the air has mass, we have made the followingexperience:

OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate that air has mass.


Two balloons

A ruler



A needle


-Tie one piece of string around the centre of your ruler.

-Blow up each balloon and tie the ends.

-Tie a piece of string to each balloon around the knot and tie the other ends to opposite sides of the ruler.

-You should be able to adjust the positions of the balloons andcreate your own balance: the horizontal position shows that the weight on each side is balanced.

-Use the needle to poke a small hole in one balloon, being careful not to pop the balloon. We want to create a slow leak.

-Notice what happens to the ruleras the air leaks out of one balloon.


-Notice that when the air leaks out of one balloon, that side of the ruler rises.

oThis is because the mass weighing down one side of the ruler is decreasing as the air leaks out and the air disperses.-The balloons hanging on the ruler are hanging down toward the Earth.

oThis is because the air inside both balloons is slightly denserthan the air surrounding our experiment.oArchimedes' principle tells us that the upward buoyant force on the balloon is equal to the weight of the displaced air inside of it.

This upward buoyant force resists the pulling force of gravity, partly explaining why the balloons fall more slowly toward the ground than other objects (air resistance also plays a role).

-According to this principle, we know that the air rushing out of the popped balloon weighs slightly more than an equal volume of air in the room.
oAs a result, the balance registers this difference in mass: the still-filled balloon still has this slightly heavier air inside of it while the other balloon's heavier air has dispersed into the room's air.


We knew that air takes up space it was able to expand the balloon because of the space it requires, but after doing this experiment weknow that air has mass because the balloon with air was heavier than the balloon without air.

Therefore, now we can say that air is matter, because it has mass!

Future experience: What other forms of matter are hard to detect?

Sonia Generosa shares: some experiments that can be done in Physics and Chemistry (2nd ESO) about density.

Experiments about density


Provided by Isabel Pérez:

This lab experiment shows the effects of acid rain on living things and materials. You can use it dealing with Chemical Reactions or Chemistry and Environment units in Physics and Chemistry 2º ESO


How to separate sulphur and copper. Click here to see the activity.
It can also be used in geology in with 1st of ESO groups.
By Tomás Isla

Electricity and lightning workshop: making a news report

This resource helps students to produce  a news report: language and content in action

 Rocks and states of matter, by Eva Mª Romero

Click on the picture to see her files.

Concentrations and mixtures, by Aurora del Álamo.

Click on the picture to see her files.
Resultado de imagen de concentration chemistry
A quiz on mixtures using Plickers

Imagen relacionada

Olympic Games boarding game for 2nd eso, by Manuel García. + Classic Culture

Scrambled eggs activity
“Three different ways of expressing concentration of a solution”

Resultado de imagen de concentration in a solution

Click on the picture

Brian Cox visits NASA’s Space Power Facility in Ohio to see what happens when a bowling ball and a feather are dropped together under the conditions of outer space.


There are many videos in this course. How do you use them in class to introduce content?
What strategies do you have to activate to make watching a video an active experience for the students?
Would you use this one in 2nd year ESO?
You can activate the subtitles in English.

Resultado de imagen de FORCES AND MOTION

Force and motion, 2º ESO, by Manuel García.

Resultado de imagen de Matter and energy

 C for Content

  • Matter and its properties
  • Mass and volume
  • Density
  • States of aggregation
-changes of state
  • Energy: types
  • Energy, heat and temperature: conduction, convection and radiation
  • Energy in our lives: renewable and non-renewable sources


Changes of state

Do you understand how…?
Could you explain the process of…?
How could you calculate…?


Present simple
Modal verbs (must, should, can, would…)
Description: an example to show…
Identify causes: What´s the cause of the change…?
Make connections: What happens if…?
Language skills 

Discourse type
Speaking: answer oral questions, laboratory practice (they work in pairs), group work (3-4 students)
Writing: activities, to elaborate the laboratory report, exit ticket, mind map…
Listening: in these activities:
-song: water boy
-explanations from the teacher and other students about the Unit
-Descriptive (what happens in the laboratory practice)
-Questioning (variables that affects matter properties: mass, volumen, density…)
-Comparison: between renewable and non-renewable energies



-quizlet flashcards: matter and properties
-laboratory practice: density (document attached: lab density)
-exit ticket: changes of states
-heat transfer: mind map
-work in groups: document “energy sources work”


-quizlet flashcards
-mind map: heat transfer
-changes of state exit ticket

Organization and class                                   distribution.   Timing

6 class (50´each class)

1st class: explain matter and its properties, mass and volumen (song: water boy). Play flashcards quizlet

2nd class: laboratory practice density
To catch students attention about the Unit they´ll see this video:

Then they answer some oral questions. This video is interesting because it has the C for culture (in history and classic culture they could work with it)
Finalley they do the laboratory practice (lab density attached  document in the first task of the course)

3rd class: States of agregation and changes of state (distribution of atoms).
Explanation with examples (a ballon, properties of plasma…)
They draw the distribution of atoms
Exit ticket changes of state

4th class: Energy (types)
Teacher explanation with examples
Worksheets: energy transfers (attached document in this 2nd task) and crossword types of energy (attached document in this 2nd task)

5th class: Energy, heat and temperature: conduction, convection and radiation (see videos about the 3 process and then elaborate the mind map)

6th class: Energy in our lives: renewable and non-renewable sources (work in groups attached document, it contains the methodology of this work and the final outcome of it)

Resources and materials

PPTs from Internet or created by the teacher

Quizlet flashcards matter and its properties: https://quizlet.com/23096415/matter-and-its-properties-flash-cards/

Title of the Unit: Matter and Energy     
Course / Level: 2º ESO Physics and Chemistry
-Energy transfers worksheet
-Crossword forms of energy
by María de Arriba Alonso

Imagen relacionada

Nutrition, by Eva Fuente Fernández

C for Communication


Through the Taboo game we will focus on CALP:
Carbohydrates/sugars, lipids, proteins, vitamins, mineral salts, metabolism etc…

Through Task 2.1. we will focus on BICS:
Feel exhausted, carry on, in the meantime etc.


Make questions, connectors…??

Language skills  Discourse type

Social language (BICS) – Taboo game

Academic language (CALP) – Task 2.1

C for Communication


Through the Taboo game we will focus on CALP:
Carbohydrates/sugars, lipids, proteins, vitamins, mineral salts, metabolism etc…

Through Task 2.1. we will focus on BICS:
Feel exhausted, carry on, in the meantime etc.


Make questions, connectors…??

Language skills  Discourse type

Social language (BICS) – Taboo game

Academic language (CALP) – Task 2.1

Nutrients, by Laura Sánchez
1st ESO
Nutrients. Video comprehension 

Resultado de imagen de electricity

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Scaffolding is a great way to engage students in a lesson from the very beginning.  Scaffolding helps building skills and compe...